Monday, May 11, 2015

May'15 RDA serials cataloging (NISO/NASIG Joint Webinar)

Date: May 20, 2015
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. (Eastern Time)

Event webpage:

Resource Description and Access (RDA) is a standard for descriptive cataloging, replacing AACR2, that provides instructions and guidelines on formulating bibliographic data in a linked data environment. Cataloging of special materials, such as reproductions, microforms, rare materials, etc. has always had unique requirements, which is also true when using RDA for serials cataloging. Catalogers dealing with these special materials are experimenting with using RDA to meet the needs of their users and staff to effectively describe these resources.

Presenters during this joint NISO/NASIG Webinar will explore the topic of specialized RDA cataloging, the different formats requiring an extra level of data for cataloging, and share experiences with converting specialized collections into RDA.

NISO Member:     $95.00 (US and Canada) - $109.00 (International)
NASIG Member:     $95.00
Non-Member:     $125.00 (US and Canada) - $149.00 (International)
Student:      $49.00